Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Updates....Lots of Updates

Ok, it's been a really long time since I've written here. Life has been a little crazy the last few months. Here's a quick update:

Christopher's head healed, though he has a scar. Will says it's a family trait.

Will was basically gone the entire month of July teaching other teachers. He says if it weren't for the excellent money he makes for a month's work he wouldn't do it. I think he really likes working with adults as a change from herding middle school kids.

We're pregnant again! We actually found out in June, but we held off on officially announcing it until the riskiest period was over. We're 14-15 weeks along with a February 4th due date. We found out this week that we're having another boy. I will be terribly outnumbered and won't get to buy frilly dresses, but as long as this kiddo comes out strong and healthy like his big brother, we're happy!

Here are a couple of ultrasound pictures from my appointment this week:

Today was an interesting day with C-dub. He has this bad habit of standing up in his chair at the table. Out of fear that he will fall one of these days we have decided that he will get time out when he does it. What was supposed to be a 2-minute time out turned into a 20-minute ordeal of me trying to keep him in his time out spot. It's all a work in progress, but I'm a believer that consistency is the key.

Later in the morning, Christopher was in the bathroom and climbed up on the toilet (the lid was down). I asked him if he wanted to pee pee in the big potty and he said yes. So, we removed the pants and diaper, put the potty seat on the toilet, and lo and behold....he peed! He did it two more times before nap time and before bath time. We're going to take a low-key approach and let him potty train on his own time rather than forcing the issue. The poor guy will have tons of changes coming in the next few months as it is!

Well, I think you're all pretty well updated. I'll do my best to keep this up better with pregnancy updates and C-dub updates. I'm sure the more C-dub starts to talk, the more interesting (read: funny) things I'll have to post.

Here's a recent C-dub picture to hold you over until we have birthday pictures in a couple of weeks: