Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It just wasn't meant to be

It seems that C-Dub won't be getting a little brother or little sister after all. It seems that this baby was not meant to be. I'm a believer that God always has a plan, and apparently His plan for us did not include a baby right now.

We're sad and disappointed, but life goes on. We have an awesome 19-month-old boy who is our pride and joy and we love him more and more each day. He is the orneriest toddler you'll ever meet and he definitely keeps us on our toes. We are so grateful for him and for all of our family and friends.

Coming soon: We have a climber!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

We Pulled it Off

My grandma's 80th birthday is tomorrow. To celebrate, we planned a surprise party. My aunt flew in from Florida and my uncle flew in from Indianapolis. Her other three kids live here. We are pretty sure this was the first time all five of Grandma's "kids" have been together since my grandpa died about seven years ago.

The day started out not so good. We reserved a private room at Village Inn (because the room was free). When we got there, they told us that they had double-booked the room and they would have to put tables together for us in the main dining room. It turned out ok. Grandma didn't see us at first and was very surprised!

After breakfast we spent the day laughing, talking, playing games, and, of course, eating at our house.

My Grandma is a special lady. She watches C-dub for a couple of hours two or three days a week while I work. She makes him laugh more than anyone else. He lights up when she comes into the room. I think this quote sums up how C-dub feels about Grandma:

"Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting to see just you all day and now the day was complete." ~Marcy DeMaree

What memories do you have of your grandma?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Surprise!

We got a surprise last night! C-dub will have a little brother or sister coming in the fall. We talked about having another baby, but were planning to wait another year or so. Surprise!

I'm excited, nervous, freaked out, and terrified all at the same time. It's not so much the pregnancy that makes me nervous, but rather the fact that I will have a 2-year-old and a newborn at the same time. I know, I know, there are many many women that have done it successfully. I'm sure there will be good days and bad days.

On the bright side, there are many baby things that we will not have to re-buy. We didn't know whether C-dub was going to be a girl or a boy until after we registered for our baby shower, so we have quite a few things that are gender neutral. I'm secretly hoping for a little girl this time, but really I'll just be happy with a healthy baby no matter which gender.

It will be a long nine months...but I think we can do this.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

To be young again...

I wish I was as easily entertained as C-dub. A simple balloon brings him an entire day of fun. Here are some pictures from this morning (please excuse the big package of toilet paper in the background. Time to put it away, I suppose, but C-dub so enjoys climbing on it!):

(no balloon in this one...I just thought he looked really cute) :)

C-dub has liked balloons for quite awhile now. Here's a video of him playing with one after his first birthday party:

He amazes me every day. The fact that little ones are so innocent and genuine. They take joy in the little things because they don't have the big things to deal with yet. I sometimes wish I could go back there and not worry about the big things in life...the bills, whether or not I'm being a good wife and mom, work, the possibility of moving to a new place soon. Sigh...I think I need a bubble bath. Calgon....:)

Monday, March 1, 2010

What a Mess!

My son has too many toys.  Seriously!  At one point today he had the following strewn across the living room floor:

a wagon full of legos dumped out, 

the Little People barn complete with farmer and animals

the Little People bus complete with driver and two kids

a stacking toy

and alphabet blocks.  

I should have taken a picture of the mess, but I didn't.

In his room, he had completely cleared off his shelf...books and stuff animals everywhere, baskets and buckets of smaller toys dumped out.

My son really has too many toys.

A friend suggested that we divide C-Dub's toys into several tubs and switch them out daily or weekly.  I like this idea.  I'll have to buy some pretty big tubs, though, because it seems like all of his toys are big.  Does anyone have any other brilliant ideas for managing the mess?