It seems that C-Dub won't be getting a little brother or little sister after all. It seems that this baby was not meant to be. I'm a believer that God always has a plan, and apparently His plan for us did not include a baby right now.
We're sad and disappointed, but life goes on. We have an awesome 19-month-old boy who is our pride and joy and we love him more and more each day. He is the orneriest toddler you'll ever meet and he definitely keeps us on our toes. We are so grateful for him and for all of our family and friends.
Coming soon: We have a climber!
:~( i'm sorry!!
When Annessa and Kelly had their miscarriage, it was completely devastating. The beautiful thing about it though, was that it brought them so much closer and they went on to get pregnant with Kole 3 months later. I know they (and I) will always think about the baby they lost, but God's plan was and always will be so much bigger and better than we can ever imagine. I will be praying for you guys!
I'm so sorry for your loss. I recently had a miscarriage back in January. I was 15 weeks. Anyway, I'm so sorry - I know how awful and heartbreaking it can be.
On another note, you won my Le Creuset giveaway!!! Email me at AllisonLHardin at gmail dot com with your address!
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