My son has too many toys. Seriously! At one point today he had the following strewn across the living room floor:
a wagon full of legos dumped out,
the Little People barn complete with farmer and animals
the Little People bus complete with driver and two kids
a stacking toy
and alphabet blocks.
I should have taken a picture of the mess, but I didn't.
In his room, he had completely cleared off his shelf...books and stuff animals everywhere, baskets and buckets of smaller toys dumped out.
My son really has too many toys.
A friend suggested that we divide C-Dub's toys into several tubs and switch them out daily or weekly. I like this idea. I'll have to buy some pretty big tubs, though, because it seems like all of his toys are big. Does anyone have any other brilliant ideas for managing the mess?
YAY I can post!!
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